our healing place
Curiosity. Kindness. Healing.
Modern Naturopathy is the blending of science and tradition - and allows us to treat you as the glorious individual you are.
Bowen is a simple yet gentle hands on therapy that generates a healing response in your body.
Infrared light therapy assists cells, muscle tissue and skin to regenerate and repair themselves and improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood.
Flow with me on Friday mornings, 8:45am at the Millicent Community Church.
Practice with me on Insight Timer.
Special events and offerings.

your body knows how to heal
I’m Hayley.
I work as a Naturopath, Bowen Therapist and Yoga teacher, and have 18 (plus) years now in clinical practice. In many ways i still feel like i only started this journey yesterday (time flies when you’re having fun), but with every passing year i feel more and more in love with what i do and how i offer it.
Herbal and Nutritional medicine, Bowen and movement (for me in the form of Yoga), help me to trust in the great mystery and intelligence that is our body, this life, and Nature herself.
‘Healing through Joy’ forms the basis of my wellness philosophy. I know in my bones, that none of us can heal without allowing ourselves to experience pleasure and joy. They are essential for all of us, and our birth right.
I’m a big advocate for personalised medicine. We are all unique, and our health choices and treatments must reflect our individuality………Our stories as well are important, multifaceted and nuanced – our health story is a part of a bigger story – our life story.