I’m the face behind ‘Our Healing Place’.
Welcome, I’m so grateful you’re here.
This space & my offerings have evolved over many years to become what you see today.
I've worked in the health space as a naturopath, yoga & meditation teacher, & Bowen therapist since ‘02. Throughout this time in practice I’ve had a rich tapestry of teachers, people, places & mentors to thank that have shaped, and continue to shape, the practitioner & human that I am today.
My ethos is simple:
Curiosity. Kindness. Healing.
Can we meet ourselves with this intention? Can we welcome ourselves in, soften the edges of what is hard, & hold a vision of Health that is integrated, expansive & vibrant? I believe we can.
I simply offer a space for this to unfold organically. For you (for us) to remember our innate power, & to recognise our connection to everything.
To know that WE ARE NATURE.
Whatever you book in for, you’ll get a bit of ‘everything’ - no modality is seperate.
There are many tools at our disposal- herbs, nutrients, breath work, physical therapies, shifting/upgrading of perspectives & beliefs- but in the end- I trust YOU.
Your body/mind knows what to do.
Your instincts will guide you to what you need, I’m just here to help.
Healing IS your natural state.
We are ALL born healers.
Remember that this is alive in you right now.
I recognise that our healing often works like a spiral- not in a linear fashion or how we expect it to.
I understand that all our stories are important, & I want to hear yours. Even more so, I want to explore how you frame your stories, & how that impacts the way you show up for yourself.
I offer you the time & space to explore this.
If this resonates, I’d love to hear from you. A great privilege of my work is to be on this journey of healing with you.
I look forward to welcoming you at ‘Our Healing Place’.